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ShinwooP&C Corperation


CEO's Message Parents who have spent the entire life loving their children! Now Carnation will be there for our parents. Silver Sanitary Product Brand Carnation Is Love. "endless love." That is true. The kind of love that our parents give us is endless and comes with the sacrifices they make. Even in tough times, despite their own hardships, parents went to great lengths to support their childen, and Carnation is well aware of that. Knowing that, we make every single product with the utmost sincerity. We add more value to our products because they are loved by parents. "Carnation" wishes to rememberd as a return for that "love." Carnation considers the elderly's comfortable lives a top priority. Carnation will always be there for seniors who deserve respect. Carnation will become a reliable brand for silver sanitary products. Thank you.
